(One year later…and a few years ago)
Today, June 21, 2021, is the day after Fathers’ Day, which we celebrated without David for the second year. In a row.
Jonathan seemed to want no fuss made for him, and he told me later in the day that he had gone for a walk or a bike ride in the morning by himself. I later surmised that he wanted to be alone, rather than to have a brunch or anything unusual as a celebration, without his father.
This morning, I realized that the photo of the six of us that a relative took on our visit to Madison in 2019, which we made to see our grandson’s Kindergarten graduation, (but happened to coincide also with Father’s Day weekend), was taken on the last Fathers’ Day that David celebrated.
In the photo, he is wearing a T-shirt that our son Jon had given him, that said “Dad” in huge letters, along with cartoon characters. He had his hands rested on Jon’s shoulders (David was standing with Erin, Jon’s wife, in the back row while Jon and I were in the front sitting with the two grandchildren). David was so proud of being Jon’s Dad, and loved him the best way he knew, but often commented later on that “Jon is a much better dad than I ever was”.
This morning, as I was making coffee for myself in the French Press, using a particular method that David taught me, I said to him “I am making coffee our way again, David”—“Honey”.
(I noticed that I addressed him as “David” for the first time since he died, and I quickly added “Honey”).
Then, I said to him “If you want to visit me or send me a message, I would be available for that…it has been a while”. I expected nothing to happen—I thought his absence of several months might have meant that he was farther away in the spiritual realm that he is in now (recognizing that I cannot verify anything about this).
With coffee in hand, as I was heading toward my favorite chair, I realized that I was about to receive one of my spiritual experiences. I sat down quickly and quietly, and received it.
Much to my surprise, however, as I opened my eyes from the vision that I had just had, Stephanie Gosk from NBC News was on the muted TV screen, reporting from the street corner in NYC where our honeymoon hotel stood. It was a Holiday Inn back in the 1970’s, but whatever it is now does not matter, because the corner is the same. It is across the street from Madison Square Garden, and that is how I recognized it.
I spoke then to David and asked if he were sending me a little “message” to let me know that he had heard me earlier. I did not get a direct answer so much as a sense that he was telling me that our tiny wedding and short weekend honeymoon, when we started our first marriage, were still important to him.
They are to me, as well.
Dear Readers, have you ever had an experience like this in your lives? Do you think it was just coincidence, or something more, like synchronicity? Or was it due, perhaps, to a sacred connection?
Please—do tell us about it!
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