There are few topics that don’t interest me, but some of my favorites include music and performance, philosophy, theology, spirituality, metaphysics, behavior, intelligence, and some “lighter” genres such as fine dining, classic and historical fashion, and … anything to do with Boston!
Did I pique your interest with any of those? Did I come close? Then, let’s stay in touch!
You can expect me to write weekly (at least, that’s the plan). And I definitely want to hear from you!
Please Note!! No intolerance, nastiness nor (knowing) untruths will be posted here. I want this to be a safe, comfortable place for us to share ideas. Let’s be honest, kind and respectful of each other; we we have all had enough of the other stuff….
To Play the Piano, or the Organ — That is the Question!
Recently, I became engaged in discussion with an academic who is considering the creation of a new elective course for piano majors. It would have to do with exposure to, and learning how to play, the pipe organ—for pianists. This raised red flags for me. In my long...
The Five Visits
Dear Reader, Thank you for reading Monday’s post about the “up close and personal” experiences of my husband’s sudden death, nearly five years ago. I shared that with you primarily because what I said to him, shortly after he died, resulted in five supernatural visits...
Parting Words…
It was the evening of March 1, 2020. I was at home alone, about to watch the evening news, when my phone rang. It was a doctor from the hospital where my husband was being treated in the ICU. He had been there for five days, with still no updates on his condition....
Opposing Parallels
It has been a few weeks since my last experience. I did not write about that one, but it was a message. To put it succinctly, the Voice of the Sacred told me that my interest in and my intention to live as long as possible, so that I can give as much of my usable...
Reciprocal Messages
Today, I was on a mission. After all of my recent major illnesses, pain, surgery and long hospitalizations, I had gotten off-track. And I do mean off-track—it seemed like everything from my diet and eating habits, to my sleep schedule, to my writing, had been...
The Music In Between
I hope that you, my dear reader, have not been put off, scared, or made in any way uncomfortable about the descriptions of my spiritual experiences. Actually, even if you have been, I would like you to continue reading with me. So, what if I were to change to a...