Opposing Parallels

It has been a few weeks since my last experience. I did not write about that one, but it was a message. To put it succinctly, the Voice of the Sacred told me that my interest in and my intention to live as long as possible, so that I can give as much of my usable...

Reciprocal Messages

Today, I was on a mission. After all of my recent major illnesses, pain, surgery and long hospitalizations, I had gotten off-track. And I do mean off-track—it seemed like everything from my diet and eating habits, to my sleep schedule, to my writing, had been...

Dancing with Death

It was Thursday, May 2, 2024. The night before, I had taken one dose of a new medication that my doctor recommended. We knew that it could cause side effects, but I needed to try it to be certain. Sure enough, by the next morning, I was exceedingly dizzy, to the point...