It has been a few weeks since my last experience. I did not write about that one, but it was a message. To put it succinctly, the Voice of the Sacred told me that my interest in and my intention to live as long as possible, so that I can give as much of my usable knowledge, experience, and wisdom to my little family, was not all that I should wish to achieve in the future. Rather, I was informed, I should also look forward to receiving from others in my lifetime. I need not be giving only; I must be open to receiving, as well. I have been trying to be awake to this new awareness ever since. And, I have been receiving!

Ah!! I am so grateful.

Today at about noontime, while I was sitting in my chair, my body became characteristically limp, with my head turned to the right. I did not feel overwhelming love (what I call a Visitation), and I had no Vision of anything unusual, so I knew it would be a message from the Voice. But, it took awhile to manifest itself. When that happens, I usually get impatient and ask, “what am I to know?” or “what am I to learn?” This time, I said both.

Eventually, I heard:



No more self-blaming.”

I was receiving another message, like the last one, that would once again change my life’s perspective, as well as my journey. That is: I can give, but I must also be ready to receive. Likewise, since my mind was trained, through years of abuse, to be always the one in the wrong, I was the one who caused the problems. The one who “asked for it.”

“No more of that thinking!” I was told by the Sacred.

I learned that self-blaming was the reciprocal of people-pleasing, which I already knew that I was good at doing. For example, just this morning I was fretting over what I could have done to bring on an attack of my chronic IBS. Had I eaten too many nuts yesterday? Should I have taken a medication right away? This is typical of my anxious thinking. Of, course, I could not be having a simple flare-up of a chronic illness, I must have done something wrong to bring it on!

Sound familiar?

If you have experienced these “opposing parallels” as I like to call them, be they “people pleasing vs. self-blaming” or “giving of yourself vs. receiving from others” in your lifetime, do let us know. My life is already becoming lighter, just with these two recent visits and messages from the Sacred. And of course, I am trying to heed and employ them…

If they have meaning for you, I hope that your heart and soul will lighten, too.

(From my Late September and October 16, 2024 Visits)